How much does it cost to get the Spanish driving license in 2022?

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Actualizado el 11-08-2022

Obtaining your driver's license can be a very expensive procedure if you do not know some little tricks. Keep reading to get your Spanish license for less than 1,000 euro with the best price for theoretical, medical and practical exam in 2022.

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How to save money taking the spanish driving license

If you are thinking about getting your drivers license but you ask yourself how much it costs to get this permit in Spain in 2022, pay attention.

We give you all the keys respecting prices and maximum rates you will have to pay so that you can get a real idea of the budget you will need.

How much does it cost to get the Spanish license on your own?

If you already have made the choice of getting your drivers license on your own, it’s important that you have in mind the total price but also per runup because this means costs can change from one person to another.

According to the OCU (Spanish consumer protection organization), these would be the elements to consider at that time.

Even though you won’t have to go face to face to theoretical classes this way, in the same way you will have to do practical classes, come to face with official exams, etc., and this logically has a cost which, coming ahead, we’re going to break down.

Theoretical part

Since already many years ago the DGT allows that the students who want to, do present personally on their own the theoretical driving exam for any permit valid in Spain.

This means that the theoretical part won’t need you to sign up to an autoschool if your time or economy don’t allow you to.

Currently, more than 65% of the students choose this option and that allows them to save up to 250 euros.

Presenting on your own will save you the registration fee,the procedure and the theoretical in-person course.

The only expenses you will have are those for the theoretical online course (maximum price of $59.90 for the B permit including the paper book) which already includes the following services:

  • Access to more than 8700 weekly updated test questions conforming the new DGT normative.
  • A paper manual book with shipping included (book valued at 29.90 euros)
  • Audiobooks, online syllabus, summaries and explanations to all your questions.
  • Continuous support from a personal tutor for doubt resolution

The total cost for the theoretical part on your own is 59.90 euros.

Medical exam

The psychotechnical exam is a fundamental procedure that you have to pass to present to the theoretical exam with a valid medical certificate.

Even though the median price is $35 it really can go from 12 to 61 euros depending on the city and the Center.

If you want to find the driver recognition center that’s most economical in your zone you can consult our map of medical centers.

Total cost of the medical certificate: Between 35 and 50 euros.

DGT rates

The traffic rate is a set charge that will always have to be paid in full to do the test.

It is a set rate established by the DGT at 94.05 euros for the year 2022 and gives you the right to present to the exam twice.

If failed for the second time the rate will have to be renovated ,paying again the 94.05 which will give us two more tries and they will be valid for the theoretical and practical exams.

Total cost of traffic rates in 2022: 138.63 euros (if you approve the theoretical and practical at first try and including practical and theory exam)

Practical classes

In the case of practical classes, in none of the cases will you be able to do them on your own, it being necessary to go to a driving school.

This is because drivers schools have qualified professors who will teach you to drive along with vehicles adopted for learning.

Doing the practices on your own could be very dangerous due to nobody being there to correct you or guide you in a professional matter, so we absolutely recommend this option.

You must keep in mind that the medium cost for each of these practices is $26.60, although there’s a big difference between cities and in occasionst the autoschools offer class packs that lower the price of each of them.

For example, while in zones like La Coruña, Badajoz, Malaga, or Sevilla this cost is inferior to 20 euros per class, certain it is that in zones such as Bilbao, Vitoria, Pamplona or San Sebastian the class of 45 minutes can exceed 40 euros.

If you’d like to find out about the auto school in your zone with the best prices per practical class, we recommend you take a look at our cheap autoschool finder where you will find exclusive offers of schools recommended by other students.

Total cost of the practical lessons (30 classes): 650 euros approximately.

How much does it cost to obtain your drivers license in the driving school?

If instead of going by your own you decide to get your drivers license through a driving school you’ll have to add up a series of expenses described above.

Enrollment fee

The registration you will have to pay it if you search to do the whole process in the driving school.

It usually has a cost of around $200 average, but the truth is this can vary in a substantial matter betrween cities.

The most expensive one in this sense is Girona, with  driving schools that can charge you up to 270 euros while the cheapest one is Sevilla.

This payment gives you a right to nothing, we are only talking about an enrollment as a member of the autoschool.

Theoretical classes

The theoretical course in driving school will have a price or another depending on the driver's license which you are trying to get, the number of hours the course has and if it is or isn’t done in-person.

In Spain it usually costs around 203 Euros for the B permit and the teaching material is usually already included, such as the manual or the access to the test from home which costs like 35-40 euros more.

Total cost of the theoretical part in a Driving School (enrollment fee+theoretical course+processing): Between 295 and 410 euros.

Procedure and management expenses

These are the expenses for the charges the autoschool makes for the student for managing their case before the Direction General de Traffic (General transit Management).

Usually, it is a concept for which not all centers charge and many of them include it in an initial package along with the enrollment and the theoretical course.

In any case, if you pay for it separately, the average price is 75 euros.

Price of the driving exam for 2022

As we have indicated further back here, the of the rate that allows you to present the driving exam in 2022 is 94,05 euros and you can present it twice before paying again the tax.

Other than the rate, the practical exam has a cost of 44,58 extra euros for 2022.

This amount you will have to pay each time you go in for the practical.

This way, to the person that gets the drivers license for the first time along with passing the theoretical also on the first try this will represent a median cost of 965 euros if done on their own or 1,358 euros if presented with a driving school.

Administrative procedure costs for getting the license

When it comes to administrative procedures, which are necessary for getting the license, we see that, as we said previously, there are the following:

  • On one side, the psychotecnical test presentation. It has an average cost of 35 euros, but the truth is that in more economical cities it can be 12 and in the most expensive ones 61 euros.
  • On the other hand we find DGT tax which is 94,05 euros and finally the procedure costs that some driving schools charge and that can have a cost of around 75 euros.

Which are the most expensive cities to get the license?

Not in all cities the cost of getting a drivers license stays the same and the differences are notable.

Among the most expensive cities, we find on one side Girona which is the most expensive with a medium price for signing up of $401, 64 euros and a medium practical class price of $31.59.

It’s followed by Barcelona with an average registration cost of $344.30 and they per class price of $30.23 then Santander and a median per class fee of 28.18 euros

Where is it the cheapest city to get a drivers license?

In terms of the zones in which it is the cheapest to get a drivers license, we find the most economical city is Tenerife with a registration fee of an average of 44,15 euros while the average price per class here is 25,10 euros.

Following up is Madrid with a median registration fee of 59,04 euros in average and the practical classes cost 28-95 euros.

In third place we find Salamanca with an average enrollment fee of 58,69 euros and an average price for a practical class of 26,31 euros.

Do you still have any questions? Our teachers will be happy to help you. You just have to write to our email or for a faster answer by whatsapp at (+34) 677.641.004.

¿Cómo obtener carnet de Conducir?

Prepara tu examen teórico de Conducción Online. Practicatest dispone de todos los Exámenes de la DGT.

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